What's wrong with this generation?!?  

Posted by Rithish

The 13th of May was voting day in Tamil Nadu... It is the middle of the week.. Who would go to Chennai and be back the next day to office? Not anyone I know... Well.. Except, maybe, Anoop!

What's wrong with this generation, I say?!?

More elections.

One track mind!  

Posted by Rithish

Sachit was my class-mate in first year of enginnering.

The only similarity that Sac and I shared was that he was also a regular back-bencher; just like Shailu & I. Other than that, it were the dissimilarities that were more glaring. Hindi music was unheard by him, while I liked; he used to pass smart comments in English class, while I used to score more; he metamorphosed and started growing lengthy hair, while I never used to comb; Sac was portly, while I was a 28-incher!

Now, Sac has gone ahead and added one more to that list. He now has a movie to boot against his name, while all I do is post silly blog entries.

The movie is officially released and is available on youtube here.

There is also a facebook group, so you can go and shoot your heart out all you want. The movie, is a true reflection of how Sac is. Dark, satiric, and bland humor. But I liked the ending nevertheless! Do check it out too.

The best job in the world!  

Posted by Rithish

When I first heard of the island reef job in early Jan, my first thought was that this was a marketing gimmick; and nothing more. The website reported that the responsibilities included feeding fish in the Great Barrier Reef; trying out the luxuries of a spa; snorkeling and diving; and writing a weekly report on the findings of interest along the Reef.

I mean.. WoW!

And then when I was lazing through the newspaper while having coffee this morning, I read a news item that the job is now closed. I also come to know that a Bangalore RJ was among the finalists; but an ostrich-rider from England beat him to it!

Congratulations to Ben! He has been appointed for The Best job in the World!