Kill me!!  

Posted by Rithish

There are a lotta things that kill me. I mean, not that dagger-in-the-heart sorta kill; nor even that sorta where I went to this movie once, and this hero and his momma, dad, dog and caterpillar kill ya with their well of tears. Not to mention this six fingered bro' of his who breaks into a salsa at the drop a hat...whatwuzisname?? I had it somewhere here... Broshan... Croakshun... or something... aha.. Got it.. Roshan... I knew it had something to do with "roast chicken"..

My cannibalistic friends runnamile at the mention of chicken nowadays... They say its flu. I had always opined it was polio. The legs always looked kinda short to me.. Legs are something that catch my attention quite naturally. But there was this friend of mine who had this thing for belly buttons. Whenever he saw a naked belly, he would go downa his knees, aim, "tishkaoooo..", blow the smoke from his gun, and say "BULL'S EYE !!!" He even got a black eye to show for it. That killed me.. It really did... Now.. that was the kinda KILL i wuz talkin' about...

Somma my friends were real Martians... They really were... They were simply outta this world.. Yeah..That's why I said they were Martians... They even had thoughts of making a shirt with a toad on it...

I had this another friend of mine who was trying in vain to bring doctory and engineering together.. He was studying Biomedical Engineering.. He was barred from the chemlab, simply 'coz it existed no more... He was a pyromaniac.. He had razed it to the ground.. He was also barred from the Med Lab.. I will tell you that.. It might killya as much it did me... This chum'omine was to peel the skin of a toad, and show it to class.. Peel the skin, he did.. But the toad was still alive,and it jumped straight 'n right into the innerwear of the girl in front... Clever toad.... It bloody well knew where to kiss... My friend, to his misfortune was also the captain of the college cricket team...and his Jonty Rhodes like instincts lead his hands right after the jumping toad... He too got a black eye to show for it ...

Black eyes were never a rareity to my friends in their tenure in college.. There was this one time, in spring time, we had just joined college, my friend was being ragged by the seniors... "Look at my balls..." she said.. He did... and POW... another black eye... " I meant my eyeballs... you rascal.." That's another that kills me... Ya never know what they ever mean... The girls.. I mean.. I knew this girl who would call me a moron if I didnt read much into what she said, and call me a moron if I read much into what she said... Geezz.. Must be pretty tough on ya Valentino guys out there..

I spent my Valentine Day with Suzanne till late in the night.. Suzy is so nice.. neither demanding... nor craving for attention, but ever willing to give herself to me whenever I ask her to. Contrary to the normal killing, Suzy keeps me alive when I am down by floating in front of my eyes like a screensaver revealing her supple body.

Suzanne... is what I have christened my m/c in office.

This entry was posted on Thursday, March 18, 2004 .