for me; and then, for a cause  

Posted by Rithish

It's my birthday today... I get to have a wish then; don't I? What's that you say? You know me well enough to say NO; eh? :-P

In contrast to my usual selfish nature; this time round, I ask you to do something for the world.

Tonight, switch off your lights for an hour between 8:30 PM to 9:30 PM to celebrate Earth Hour. Sadly though, I won't be around to stand by your side; as I would be fast asleep and travelling. But not to worry! Aamir Khan and people from 800 cities across 85 countries will be with you during this hour. :-)

More information on this can be found at

brother talk  

Posted by Rithish

me: in office?

Rohith: yup
me: no weekend. eh?
not much..
Rohith: had a meeting
me: ok..
Rohith: just came out of it
me: how did it go?
the meeting?
Rohith: admin and finance stuff. got bowled over with rental depreciation, tax payouts and s#t like that
me: :-D
Rohith: and now they want a mark-up of at least 30% on all third party payouts
"Are we a knowledge based firm or a w$%#@house" I ask
there is a laughter all around but from the GM
The GM gives me a glare and says "Rohith, no harsh word"
I say OK and start sulking
me: and?
Rohith: The next moment I hear him shouting "I dont care how, but f$#%ing pay them"
me: :-D
Rohith: He looks at me and smiles
and there is laughter all around
These meetings are never serious and I dont remember any time we have walked out with a solution
So there goes my weekend

Conversations with my brother are most definitely humorous! :-D

the weatherman  

Posted by Rithish

I stay seated behind closed doors and barricaded windows that don't even allow light and wind to seep in without permission... Is it raining outside... How do I know... Who will tell me...

Thanks Gmail!

Hard science problems at the core of web search  

Posted by Rithish

Truth to say, I thoroughly enjoyed Prabhakar Raghavan's talk at the Leela. The talk started off with some facts about what and how users search on the web; delved into the complexities of understanding and deducing the users' needs; and few details on how the monetisation engine has proceeded over the years. The insights offered were quite delightful. The videos of the talk are available on the BigThinkers events page.

And, oh yeah! The video of the QA session is also available. :-)

Yahoo's Bigthinkers series kicks of today  

Posted by Rithish

This year's Yahoo's Bigthinkers India Series kicks off today. The talk is on hard science problems at the core of web search, by Prabhakar Raghavan, Head of Yahoo! Labs. The event is going to be held at the Leela Palace.

An abstract -

Web search is undergoing an evolution from high-precision document retrieval for keyword queries, to fulfilling the task implicit in a user's search. We review examples of this in major search engines, then survey the underlying hard science problems both in computer science and in the social sciences.
More info on the event can be found here. I attended Andrei Broder's talk on Computational Advertising last year; and I sincerely hope this time round it turns out to be better than that. I mean, the talk was good and enriching. But it was the hour-long Q&A session that actually killed me. Some of the questions were so unwarranted that Andrei must have wanted to catch a flight back to Silicon Valley right that moment. Am keeping my fingers crossed this time.

If any of you are attending too, then give me a hoot. We will catch up at the coffee bar while the juveniles fire their questions!