My blogs usually dwell on stuff like what the-girl-next-door-wore-for-the-party-tonight or how-much-I-enjoyed-kicking-the-9-out-of-her-boyfriend... Real sadistic stuff that most of my sadistic friends enjoy much reading about... ;o) This time however, I will not tread the trodden path... Hence, my friends, be forewarned that you may be in danger of sleeping off in front of the monitor... Continue at your own peril...
I list down some of the notions that the world in general has, and what I think of them...
- Most people quit companies because of their managers...
Is that the right way to perceive it? No... I definitely don't think so... Let us do a simple analysis... If you quit, who is going to lose?
(A) Definitely your company... It would take them much time and money to replace any individual.
(B) Definitely you... You have built yourself, built your contacts, gathered respect in the company brick-by-brick... To rise to that level again, in a new company, from scratch, is a tall task indeed...
(C) Definitely NOT your manager... Your manager is as much an employee of this company, as you are... Today, he is managing you... Tomorrow, there will be another...
Bottomline : Is it worth risking the loss 'cos of your manager? For Chrissakes, Do Something... Talk to your manager... Change your team... Shift to a different project... Do something... But don't QUIT with that reason...
- People want to join the military force 'cos they want to serve the country...
One can serve the country better by becoming a teacher... The noblest profession in this planet...
Bottomline : Sheer nonsense... - Bips looks hotter than Ash in DHOOM-2...
Bottomline : I absolutely concur...
Well!!! The last one did have a sadistic touch... ;o)