grown up??  

Posted by Rithish

People have different otions about being a grown up. Some believe its age. Some believe it's maturity. Some believe its your behaviour that counts.

Whatever people assume or say, I still love watching them as much as I did when I was a kid.

My... Do I love cartoons. Not those modernised, jing bang hi-fi ones, where you cant distinguish between a character's face and posterior. But the ones of the good ol' days. It's amazing how much more wisom a six year old Calvin and his pet tiger Hobbes can impart than Richard Bach's best selling novel; or how much more amusement than the God of Humor, Sir Charlie Chaplin himself.

I recently got a complimentary copy of the movie "Ice Age" alongwith a magazine I bought. Believe me, it provided me entertainment no end.

Maybe I am still a kid at heart. I, for one, think will never grow up.