'sbeen a long time.. yes.. I know. Am sorry. Dont seem to find time as I used to before. Today is day number 777. You know wht that means? It meanstht its been 2 years, a month and 15 days since I came down to this city. wooow....that maketh me pretty old. Don't it? Seems just like yesterday tht I finished college. I love this city. I regard Bangalore to be the best city in the world.
I have been to quite a few cities in whatever short span of life I have lived till now. I have lived in some, and have just visited some. With the exception of my hometown, I have always been partial to Calcutta, or Kolkata as of now, and regarded it as my favourite city, for it was there that I was bred. Playing cricket in summer, football in the monsoons, sitting in open double deckers, watching the 60 foot pandals with awe during the Durga festival, watching the skies lit like the day during Diwali, the kite festival, Christmas.....
Never mind the documentaries which depict it to be the ugliest city in India. By saying this, I am by no means denying or questioning the integrity of these, however, I would opine that if one would look enough, he would find more beauty than ugliness.
It is here that my favourite teacher lives. Diamond was her name. It was here that I was taught the meaning of a kiss; my teacher never failing to kiss me 'good morning' and 'good day' every single day. I still remember those misty mornings, when my father would walk me to school, and my teacher would welcome me with open arms and hug me saying, "My Darling!! How are you today?" I still remember those weekends when my father would take us out. Out to the Planetorium, to the Children's museum, Victoria Memorial, Diamond Harbor, Alipur Zoo, the Aquarium, the Hoogly river, Eden Gardens....
On second thoughts......Calcutta is still my favourite city.
It was one of those bright Monday evenings. I was fresh from a full day's sleep, and was getting ready to go to office, when all of a sudden, a photo is thrust in front of my face. "Does this ring a bell, my friend?", my roomie asks, with a big grin on his face. I turn my glance towards the photo, and I was taken back to those days. It was like those flash backs of the old hindi movies.
The day: the last day of college.
The occassion: The farewell party.
Everyone who was anyone in final year, was there that day. No one wanted to miss this day. Afterall, this was the last day of college. One could see small groups in the nooks and corners of the auditorium. Make no mistake, these weren't any serious meetings of any sort, but just the more ambitious amongst us, trying their hands at serenading the beautiful ones, for one last time.
Oblivious to all this, was a girl sitting right up in front. I knew that most of the good girls had already been taken. Hence it was more out of sheer curiousity, that I ambled towards her. 'Holy shit !!! It's her !!It's her !!' I thought. Has she seen me? She MUST have....I must be standing right in her sight.
Never had I seen a woman as beautiful as her, nor had I known that a sari could make a woman look as beautiful as she was looking now. Her sari was as pale as the falling snow. Her face was as clear as the blue morning sky. And her smile was as infectious as.... as..... well... uh... whatever you can compare an infectious smile to.
"Rithish...What a pleasant surprise !!!!" It was she. It MUST have been she who had spoken. My name... She remembers my name. Our encounters had never extended than the usual 'hibye' in the college corridors, and hence it came as a surprise to me.... and yes... a pleasant one too....
"How come you are alone?" I asked. "My friends are rather busy..." she said with a knowing nod towards the groups which flanked us. "How come you aren't?" I persisted. "How come you are so interested?" she countered. "Not interested...Just curious." "I have always felt that two is a crowd." she replied.
I took this to be cue to leave the scene, and with a polite farewell, beat a hasty retreat. Back in my seat, I just sat there looking at her, trying to etch her forever in my memory. "A photo would be even better. Wouldn't it?" my friend chipped in. I looked at him. That same big grin.....
I took the camera offered by him and went towards her. She looked at me, with utter disbelief. "You people don't give up easily. Do you?" she asked.
"No...Not when it comes to beutiful girls like you. DoI get a chance to capture your beauty?" I asked.
"Me??? You want a snap of li'l ol' me??"
"Yes..Of sweet ol' you.."
"Well...ok...Akshata...just turn around...he wants to click a photo...."
"No....Only you...." I interrupted hastily.
There was more disbelief in her eyes.
I waited with hope in my heart, and my heart in my mouth. The suspense almost killed me, until at last she consented. The stars must be on my side, I thought.
"Where? ....here???"she asked.
"Let's go outside..The light is better there." I said.
We moved out, and as soon as we stepped outside, the stars turned against.
The skies started to open up. We just stood there, not knowing what to do next. By this time, all the others had stopped whatever they were doing and were looking at the drama going on between us. Her cheeks had turned rosy pink with embarassment. Obviously, she didn't like being in the limelight. But, oh my...how beautiful she looked now.
I couldn't embarass her anymore..... Muttering a silent curse, I ran into the drizzle, and took my position. She posed, and smiled. She SMILED... that was more important. Sweet angel.. How dazzling she looked. I could stand here all day, if only she would smile..... "Rithish....."she complained.
Click !!! The photo had been taken.
Back in the auditorium, I looked at her once again. Iwas drinking her with my eyes. I will never get to see her again. No.. Never again... Not this close.... I couldn't get myself to break the silence. Finally, it was she who spoke.
"Thank you Rithish....."
"You are always welcome Sun...na."
I, Me, Myself

- Rithish
- Bangalore, Karnataka, India
I have six honest serving men, who have taught me all I know. They are - Who, What, When, Why, Where, and How.
talk to me!!!
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