Ask a person which is the capital of casinos and gambling, and "Las Vegas" comes the answer. Oh ! I pity those poor ignorant souls.
They have not come to Bangalore, more so Vijayanagar,and even more so to the den, also called the "DARK DRAGON".
Gambling here is at it's best in the sports season. Not that these people need a reason to gamble. But the current football mania has caught on to all. Hardly does a day pass without I and Nidhi betting on something.
And the stakes.... gosh... Are they high? I have even bet my last piece of underwear. It remains to be seen if he is going to accept it. But am pretty sure I wont touch his garments even with a stick. Heaven alone knows what diseases he has contracted !!!
Well !!! It all boils down to Sunday when the Nazis take on the Brazilians.
Am rooting for the Samba Kings.
What about u folks?
EQUALITY... For all.
An issue I strongly do believe in and endorse. All the while we hear women shouting about equality. Displaying placards and taking processions.
I agree with them wholeheartedly. I do believe equality is non-existant, and it has to be applied. Though from an entirely different point of view.
I believe that the male sex have been the more deprieved.
Women have everything made for them and served on a platter. You see seats reserved exclusively for the fairer sex, and also the front door in a local bus. There are separate queues for women in theatres.. and so in other places. Men have to play sir Gallahad to women and always allow them the first chance, or risk being branded a chauvinist pig. A smile from a woman can do wonders, sometimes even being let scot free by the traffic cop, whereas a smile from us could very well lead to a toothless smile.
I also came to know recently that the working woman has to pay less taxes than the working man.
Boy !! Do we have one hell of a horny government?
Equality !!! my gosh !! Do I want it?
Day number 608, and my 46th day in the company.
12:30 to 9:30 is my shift.... no.. no.. That isn't day my dear... 12:30 midnight to 9:30 in the morning.
THE BATMAN.......................;D
Have been expecting my whole system would cry out foul, and go on a strike. But nothing has happened as yet. Maybe 'cos not much of strain as yet.
My leads are pretty lenient.
Still under training.. Will be for another four weeks or so. On the product.
Its 1:10 in the morning.... Gotta go.. My classes might start any moment..
During the fag end of my training, I was asked to makea presentation. Well !! All were asked to do that, in fact. A presentation on any topic....and we were to be graded on that.
None of those dreary boring ones for me. I decided to make mine humourous and interesting. Now, what could I talk on. I had to be careful to select a topic which would not be too prude, but at the same time, would be prudent enough.
What could it be?? What could it be??
And then, all of a sudden, I decided what I would make a presentation on. But first, I had to make sure, I had sufficient information about it. So I browsed thenet, and to my surprise, I found hundreds of sites onthe topic. It took me an eternity to gather all that info and restrict it into a time duration of 10 minutes.
At last, the D-day arrived. Some spoke on fatitude,ondreams,on life, on Cocaine, on Smile..and so on...Some were really interesting...
And at last, it was time for me to give mine.I went up on stage, and opened my file.
"Folks, I have chosen a topic which I hope woulddefinitely help you. If not now, surely in the long run. I am going to talk about - THE ART OF KISSING..."
And thus it went on for the next 10 mins, with alllistening with rapt attention. Needless to say, it was a major success. A success story which must be written in golden words in the annals of time.
If there is one quality that draws your attention, it would be the other's elegance. Elegance in stride, in speech, or just about anything.
And it was this elegance of Christine that first drew my attention.
No. It was not her gait, nor the way she carried herself. But rather, it was for a reason few women would associate themselves with. Seldom have I seen even men as elegant as her, while smoking. She would give any stud a run for his money.
The way she holds the cigarette at the tip of her lips, and the way she lights it, taking a deep puff, the way she lets the smoke out, and the way she clicks the lighter shut, with a snap....
man.... I tell u... She oozes style. From head to toe. Her husky voice, and her daring seductive eyes, all add on to it. One helluva girl !!
One helluva girl !! believe me. !!
I, Me, Myself

- Rithish
- Bangalore, Karnataka, India
I have six honest serving men, who have taught me all I know. They are - Who, What, When, Why, Where, and How.
talk to me!!!
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